Well, 35 posts in and, well, things are moving along.
Today was about CAD work in the morning, followed by cut out in the afternoon. A slice and dice festival.
Recently I’ve taken my jointer to the max - today it was the bandsaw, with 15.75" capacity:
This board came it at only 15.25" or so, but there were some 15.75 sections later on too:
It was a workout pushing 15+ inches of bubinga through that saw with a blade that could not be described as optimally sharp. I made about a dozen such rips.
What emerged, after a bit of planing was a veritable wall of quartersawn bubinga:
How often do you see something like that? Just imagine some finish on those boards. And they are drawer floors…crazy!
Above are the panels for the drawer floors, so they will be cross cut up some more in the near future. I thought of many different options for the drawer floors, which eat a lot of wood - plywood even briefly flitted across my mind - and in the end I desired to use solid wood in one quartersawn panel, second choice being a panel glued up from two boards, and managed in the end to realize the first objective from my stock.
More panels - this stack of boards is for one of the two cabinets:
These parts are for the drawer rails and runners, among other things:
I can’t believe how much wood is soaked up by these two cabinets. I’ve cut up every single stick of bubinga I had on hand, plus some sticks on hand for ‘consideration’. I considered the matter, and I delved in! The black hole of bubinga seemingly revolves in my shop.
All for now. It’s just a cut and dried sort of world really.
via Tumblr http://davidpires578.tumblr.com/post/139631807944
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