Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Journey As A Scroll Saw Pattern Designer #1705: Day 3 of my "12 Days of Christmas" Project Complete!

It is hard to believe that it is MARCH already! Here in Nova Scotia, it is definitely coming ‘in like a lamb’ as we have sunshine and warm temperatures and a slight breeze. It really feels good to have the windows opened and allow the fresh air inside. Even if we do see another spot of winter, I am grateful for these little breaks. It is a nice indication of what is yet to come. 

I spent yesterday working on some new designs as well as finishing up my “Day 3” of my Lynne Andrews’ 12 Days of Christmas pattern. (You can get her Christmas Blessings pattern book for these ornaments HERE and the wood surfaces for the ornaments HERE on my own site.)  For those who don’t know, I am creating SIX sets of these beautiful ornaments (five sets for gifts and one for myself!) and painting a 'day’ each month and mailing them out each month so that by December, all my recipients will have the full set for decorating. It is the only way I can manage to get them all done and it is fun to send something throughout the year. :) 

With each ornament that I complete, I fall more in love with this pattern. Lynne really outdid herself with this concept and I am thrilled to see each one come to life. Without further writing, I will show you the final photos of “Day 3” … 

Here is the finished front of the ornament:

Each of the ornament has red hot-fix rhinestone 'berries’ that I purchased from Rhinestone Canada. I LOVE their beautiful and inexpensive stones! There are so many places to use them! They are one of my favorite companies to buy from! 

Here is the back of Day 3. Each of Lynne’s ornaments is done on both sides, and equally beautiful:

Here is an angled shot of the front of the ornament showing the JoSonja’s Opal Dust that is on them. You can’t see it in the regular, head-on photos, but it really looks amazing as it picks up the light beautifully. Think how awesome these will look on a lit tree! 

And the back … 

And here are all six of mine. They look pretty cool all together.

I couldn’t help to take a photo of my set so far. They look so wonderful altogether:

Here are the backs of all three:

As I see my set(s) grow, I am more and more pleased with how these come out. My ornaments are all painted using beautiful DecoArt products.  Those of you who read often know that I am a big fan of their products and I expect I will be for life.  Lynne’s book showed the colors in Delta paints, but we have created conversion charts that are available so  you can easily use your DecoArt Americana paint. 

For those of you who would like to maybe makes these ornaments too or just watch, I set up a Facebook Suppor Group so we can cheer each other on and help each other stay motivated. It is like a very loose online class where we all have the same goal. There is no time frame, as everyone is going at their own pace according to their needs and lifestyles. We like to think it is fun and no pressure and the members there have certainly motivated me to stay on track. I love it! You can join us here:

12 Days of Christmas Ornaments by Lynne Andrews

You need to be “approved” but that is only to keep out spammers. :)

For the rest of the day, I will be going back to my woodworking side and creating some new scroll saw patterns for our update later this week. I promise to give you all some hints tomorrow as to what I am working on, and I hope to get cutting by then as well. 

I hope you all enjoy seeing the progression of these ornaments and I hope you come and join us if you are considering making them yourself. It is much more fun to compare notes with fellow painters and I have met some wonderful new friends through this project. It really is what creating should be all about! :) 

Have a wonderful Tuesday today. I hope you are warm and happy and enjoying the day. I know I will be.

via Tumblr http://davidpires578.tumblr.com/post/140276092539

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