Oh – I seem to be so late at getting to my blogs these days! I find that I wind up spending the mornings visiting my artistic friends’ pages and seeing what they posted through the night. That usually takes me away to other places and gives me MORE ideas of new things to create. It is a vicious circle! ;)
I spent the day yesterday finishing up drawing my new patterns for the scroll saw projects I am making and I actually got MOST of them cut out. With all the errands and stuff that I had to do (office work, etc.) I didn’t really even start cutting until almost 5pm! YIKES!! But I got through things a lot quicker than I thought and I am really pleased with the new projects. They always look much better in life than on paper, don’t they?
I am doing three similar designs with different wildlife animals. I found a beautiful piece of bird’s eye/curly maple that would work extremely well with this type of design. While I love using highly figured wood, there are some designs that are just too detailed to allow us to appreciate that fact. But since these designs are a bit simpler, they show the grain beautifully and I think they were a great choice.
I still have a few pieces to cut for each of these, and I didn’t get to do any sanding or finishing, but here is how they look right now and so far I am pretty happy:
After all the intricate, ‘micro-surgery’ cutting that I have been doing of late, these were a fun change. They are much larger than my usual designs, as each of these pieces measures about 14" wide. It is definitely out of my comfort zone to cut something so long, and although I felt awkward in the beginning, by the third piece, I was buzzing right through things, and right on my line. The best part about this design was that most of the subjects were trees, so deviating from the line didn’t make a lick of difference. It really is a nice piece to acclimate yourself to this type of cutting and they are great pieces for someone newer to scroll sawing.
Today I will cut the final pieces for these projects and then sand, finish and assemble them. Then comes the writing of the patterns and getting them on the site. We want to do a site update tomorrow, so I want them ready for that.
Keith has also been busy making new patterns. He has three new designs that are already posted up on the site, so if you like them, you can get them right away. He has two new plaque pattern sets for you to enjoy.
The first one is SLDK656 Live, Learn and Hope plaque pattern set:
And here is the second version – SLDK657 Live, Love and Laugh:
He also has a new napkin holder/plaque set that features some beautiful running horses. (SLDK592 - Wild Horses Napkin Holder and Plaque set):
I think they all came out really nice!
It is fun to have my 'woodwork designers’ hat’ on! It seems that it has been a while since I have done that. I am really having fun with these projects and I can’t wait to see them finished up. Then on to new things …
I awoke to a light blanket of snow this morning – much to my surprise. It has been so warm here that I kind of thought I would not see more snow until the autumn. But I should have known better! It is now nearly 10am and the snow is mostly gone. I don’t think we will get much more, but one never knows. Such is life here in Nova Scotia. I suppose there is the possibility of colder weather at any time.
I wish you all a wonderful day today. The weekend is just on the horizon for those of you who work a five day week. Hope is in sight! ;)
Have a great Thursday! Enjoy yourselves and do something creative!
via Tumblr http://davidpires578.tumblr.com/post/140389967054
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