“Things happen for a reason."
I have heard that saying for probably most of my life. I used to think it was something people just said to placate others when things weren’t going as they had planned, but the older I get, the more that I feel that perhaps there is some merit to it after all. Maybe it is that I just want it to be that way, so that in my mind I can organize and make sense of things that cause chaos in our lives. It is hard to tell.
These past few weeks have certainly been different for me. If nothing else, just the lack of posting my blog here really was a change for me. After six years of daily posting, it has become quite a habit. (Perhaps I have been living with cats so long that I am picking up on their characteristics. I like ‘routine’.) Not posting has felt really strange. I have mentioned many times that I am here not only to share things with you, but also to add some structure to my life. I find that mapping out my day here each morning really does help me reach my goals and accomplish much more than if I only had to answer to my self. The simple act of writing things down here for you all to see instills a sense of responsibility not only to myself, but to you all as well. And while you are a very forgiving audience and don’t hold me to completing every single task I state that I will do (thank you for that!) I find myself pushing a little harder when I otherwise would run out of steam, just so I have something to show the following day. It really is a good way to keep myself on schedule and in line.
Along the way, we all learn. By sharing techniques and ideas and new products and ways to do things, I feel we all benefit from each other and encourage each other to grow and try new things. It is all good. I missed that interaction with you this past month or so. It is good to be back.
Yesterday I had my first really full day of work. While the past several weeks have really slowed down with orders, it seems that these last couple of days things have once again picked up. I couldn’t help but notice the serendipity of that. Had I been busy over the weeks I was ill, I would have had the added guilt of not being able to fill my orders. I had to fight the urge to worry about it and take each "quiet day” as a gift. (Here’s a secret – I even caught myself thinking “good” when I checked for orders one day and there were none other than a few PDF patterns! Who would have thought??) But now that I am back in commission, I am happy to have the work.
I spent all day cutting yesterday. These are the orders going out:
I did a FEW extra pieces, but not many. By the time I cleaned everything up after 7pm, I had a couple of additional orders that I will be cutting today.
Yes! Things are back to “normal”!
Once again I hope to get some painting time tonight. I also need to finish up the designs that I showed you all yesterday. So many directions to head into! The days just got shorter again! <smile>
It feels great to be busy and back at it. While I did need the rest, I found that the hours seemed much longer than usual. Funny how that works.
We have a dusting of snow on the ground this morning. I am hoping to get my car out by next week or so and hope that this is pretty much the end of it. After all, it is April. Winter had its chance.
Have a wonderful day today. I hope you find something to feed your creative souls. I know I will!
Happy Tuesday!
via Tumblr http://davidpires578.tumblr.com/post/142291725799
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