Next up in the layout and cutout scene are the parts which comprise the framing for the bank of 2 drawers in the middle of the cabinet. There are 4 rails which serve as the front and rear supports, 7 cross piece, and 2 vertical struts, pictured here upon 98% completion:
Another view, showing the outside faces:
As you can see, the strut which will separate the drawers at the front of the cabinet has spear point returns top and bottom, which the strut for the back of the cabinet, being concealed from view, lacks the spear points. Otherwise they are much same, with the other principal difference being that the rear strut, to the left in the above photos, has an additional mortise in the middle to accept a locking pin. The locking pin will anchor the middle of the rear panel of the cabinet to the back of the drawer bank.
As parts are completed, they may be stacked together. Here, I’ve added two of the middle crosspieces, the one on the left also serving as a batten for the middle shelf of the cabinet:
Now another part is completed and added, and you can see how the lower middle crosspiece, which guides the bottom runners of the drawers which flank it, is put together to form a triple-tenoned connection at each end:
A closer look- the lower element has a dado on top to locate the piece above:
All these pieces have yet to be chamfered of course. Also, they will need to be fitted to the rails so as to mark the locations of the peg mortises.
The 4 rails came next, the layout of which took quite a while. Here I’m trimming the housing for the spear point on the front strut:
A look at the near-completed cut out in this area:
A while later, the joinery at the midpoints of each rail were largely roughed out, and in some portions complete:
Another view:
Given that the arrangement of parts at the top of this assembly, where a 3/8″ (9.5mm) thick shelf panel will reside, and the arrangement at the bottom, where 1/2″ (12.7mm) thick dust panels reside, and where the drawer runner needs to be guided and supported, and given that the arrangement of framing is also different front (where there are doors) and back (where there is a demountable panel), there are as a result myriad little differences in the layout of rails top, bottom, front and back. I had to take extra steps and double-checks to make sure I had reflected these differences in the layout.
I had a close call in rediscovering that the rear rails needed to have slightly wider and shorter end dovetails than those dovetails employed on the end of the front rails of the cabinet – this outcome due to a variety of reasons – and had already cut the rails to length before this discovery was made. Fortunately, I had taken measurements from the drawing depicting the (front) rails with the longer tenons, so now that this difference has been determined, I will luckily pay no penalty and the dreaded ‘board stretcher’ will not be required (I heard that they were on sale at Amazon though).
Another look at the rails mid-way through cut out:
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