It is hard to believe that after such a BUSY day I would have trouble finding something to write about. But that seems to be the case here for me this morning.
Yesterday was my birthday. And while I thought that I would kind of treat it like ‘just another day’, I kind of got caught up in the celebration and somewhere in the afternoon, I decided to just go with the flow and embrace the day and enjoy it.
We went out for a late lunch/early dinner (Keith, his mom and me) and I got my lunch for free – “because it was my birthday”. That was fun!
We came back home here for a while and just kind of 'hung out’ – visiting with mom while I went through the many, many well-wishes sent to me by my Facebook friends and others.
It may not seem exciting to many, but it was nice and it made me feel good that I have been able to know so many wonderful and creative people through my travels here in the social media forums. It meant a lot to me.
We kind of skipped dinner. The late lunch was good enough for me and mom and we decided at around 8pm to go out for some ice cream. Mom usually makes us a pie or a cake, but with it being just the three of us, I thought it would be too much trouble. We plan on going to our friend’s cottage on the lake this upcoming weekend to have a celebration with my dear friends Ellen and Bernie. Ellen’s birthday is then and we have made it a tradition to share out birthday celebrations with each other. I look forward to that each year. I am sure there will be cake there as well.
So ice cream it was. I had my favorite (chocolate dipped waffle cone (with NUTS of course) and chocolate dipped soft serve ice cream). MMmmm! It was the perfect birthday “dinner” for me.
I came home and read all of my messages and smiled with each one. It is great to have friends – near and far and old and new. I am glad we live in a time of being able to communicate the way we do. My friendships with my online friends are every bit as good as those who I see in person. I am able to 'visit’ with those who live on the other side of the globe daily. We laugh together, cry together and create together. Our world can really be amazing when we think about it.
As with anything, things are what we make them.
People sometimes slam social media places like Facebook and forums and other places. They don’t like what they see. But all it takes is learning a little about the features that each place has and a few clicks of a mouse later, we can filter what we see and avoid what we don’t like.
My news feed is filled with creative people from all over the world. I see what they are doing and the positive things in their lives. I visit with friends from grammar school that I haven’t seen in 40 years. I watch their children and grand children grow up and do silly antics and I see their dogs and cats. (Especially LOTS and LOTS of CATS!) These things make me happy and they make me smile and they make my day better. It is what I choose to focus on.
I don’t have total blinders on as far as where we are with the world. I see the tragedies and the troubles. I just don’t focus on them. If I can do something to make a difference, I do it. When a friend is ill or feeling down, I try to be a positive spot in their day. I try to inspire people who may have lost their focus for a bit. Most of all, I try to make people smile or laugh. It is the best I can do. It works for keeping me happy and creative and at peace in this crazy world.
We all do what we need to do in order to get through the day. I don’t know if we realize how much power we have in making ourselves happy and at peace with things. I think we have much more than we realize.
I received a card from Keith’s mom yesterday. She always gives me a wonderful kitty card. But I absolutely loved what it said.
Today IS special. Every day is special. I know it will be special because that is the way I want it to be.
I hope you make your day special as well.
Happy Tuesday to you all!
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