As I awoke this morning and came down the stairs, my cat (Richard) was sitting in my studio room, staring at the floor vent. You all know how cats can be. Just – well – looking … (and looking… and looking.) It kind of creeped me out.
The house in which we live is old. My studio is on the first floor, right above the basement. The basement with the stone walls that many of the 150 year old houses in this area have. The basement that had several mouse traps in it prior to Keith power cleaning it and painting the concrete floor. It made me think …
With three cats, I am not too worried. I have never had ‘critters’ or mice ever in my life. Maybe that is because I always had cats. I would think a mouse would have to be pretty stupid to venture here with my three kitties. Even if they are 'indoor cats’ and very well-fed. You never know though…
I looked over on my desk and saw my latest painting project. It was the “Cinderella Mouse” tiara designed by Peggy Harris that I have been working on lately. As I gazed at the cute little mice in fine clothing, I thought about the irony of the cat incident. While I adore the painting piece, it is quite unsettling for me to think that there may be “real”, “NAKED” mice coming into the basement. We humans are strange like that. I suppose it is a little bit of a double-standard.
Maybe it was just the wind that got Rich’s attention. Now he is sleeping in my nice, comfy leather chair and I am typing while sitting in the small task chair in my studio.
Perhaps he wanted to distract me for a while so he can settle and get the 'good chair’ and the “mouse hunting” was just a ruse. I wonder if he is that smart …
I had another busy weekend, which made it seem to fly by. I had lots of orders to fill (thank you, everyone!), I drew up my new project for ToleTown’s September Quick Paint project, and I made headway on my Cinderella Mouse project. I was hoping to finish the Cinderella, but yesterday was beautiful and Keith wanted to go for a hike, so I did that. After we returned and I was finishing addressing all the orders to go out today, we had some more unexpected company. So there went my evening. Sometimes living life is more important than writing about it. :)
We had a nice visit and by the time I settled down, it was after 10 and I was tired and didn’t want to start painting. I am at the crucial end of the painting, where I want to be fresh and not ruin what I worked so hard to achieve up to this point, so I thought it would be best to wait until today to have a go at it. I have learned this through the years and it is an important lesson.
But I do have some lovely photos of my progress up until now. I hope they will delight you, as they do me …
I finished up Cindy’s dress. The shading and highlights were just about where I wanted them (although in this photo, the bow isn’t done.) I decided to add some DecoArt Glamour Dust in Lemon Yellow to the dress to give it a very subtle shimmer. I think it is beautiful!
Now we needed shoes! I found the slippers to be a bit challenging, but I did make them work. I swiped each of them with DecoArt’s Turquoise Interference Media Paint, which is a transparent, iridescent paint. This made them really look like glass – more so than in the photograph. I also used DecoArt White Pearl Metallic paint for Cindy’s tiara and also the dots on the dress and shoes. You can kind of see it in the photo, but in person it is just lovely!
Here is how the picture looks with the frame in place:
… and a more detailed shot:
I then needed to finish up her gown, add the tails, add the chandelier, and also the small dots of gold on the greenery around the clock. How beautiful and elegant it looks! The back board is now DONE!
Now on to the frame …
I based the leaves and pumpkins. I absolutely loved this loose and free style of painting. For me (who is what one would call a 'tight painter’) it is a stretch, but you really can’t goof it up. :)
I then began the process of shading and highlighting the elements. The pumpkin is nearly done, but the leaf still needs some work. I will add some Alizarin Crimson highlights to the green leaves, I think. Just a touch!
So here is where we stand right now. What a beautiful addition this frame will make to an already lovely painting!
I can’t begin to tell you all how much I have been enjoying this project. I knew I had to paint it when I first saw it, but as I actually did the process, I saw the many, many details that made it even more wonderful.
One more 'session’ and I should be able to button things up. Maybe tonight. But I have to get those orders to the post office today which will take a while to do (there are about 30 of them that they need to process) and then I need to work on my next project. I may skip back and forth as I do them.
I think you will like the new piece I am doing, too. I drew it up on Saturday as I mentioned and I am ready to paint it. You will need to come back tomorrow to see what I am up to.
Rich is still sleeping next to me in my chair. You would swear he has a little smile on his face. Perhaps he is dreaming of the mice he may or may not have heard. Perhaps he is just happy that he is sitting in the good chair and got his way. One never knows what goes on in the mind of a cat…
I wish you all a lovely day today. It is somewhat overcast and cool. Very 'autumn-like’. I am glad we enjoyed our weekend and I hope you did as well. May you all have a wonderful week ahead.
Happy Monday to you!
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