Today’s post will be a brief one. (Yes – I know! I always say that!)
My day yesterday was pretty much filled with doing some ‘maintenance’ things for the business as well as our home. Unfortunately, there is nothing profound or exciting about that. I don’t really mind, though. The older I get, the more I like these 'non-exciting’ days.
Today, however, I want to hit the ground running. I have a lot I want to accomplish and time is ticking. I want to make the best use of my day and see how much I can actually accomplish. So far, I am off to a good start and it is just after 8am my time as I write.
I did call it a day by dinner time. I find that most of my 'moving ambition’ comes to me in the morning hours, not in the evening. The evenings are the time when I like to sit down and relax with either my needlework, drawing or painting. On occasion I will play a computer game then, but that hasn’t happened for months. Maybe in the winter …
Being bound and determined to paint a bit faster than a snail, I wanted to tackle (and finish!) my project that I began the night before – the “Meow, Meow, Boo!” ornaments by Kim Christmas. The act of me completing any type of project in one or two sittings (no matter how simple it may be) is a miracle in itself. I tend to be one of those 'picky’ people who can’t decide just when it is time to call something 'finished’. One of my personal goals is to learn to do things a bit faster and to know when to say “Done.” Otherwise I won’t get a fraction of what I would like to do finished.
So I pulled out my paints and cranked up Netflix and actually FOCUSED and finished up my project. I am so proud of myself! :) If I could reach that far, I would pat myself on the back. Here is a photo of the finished ornaments:
Didn’t they come out CUTE?? I just love them and think the colors are amazing!
To further the astonishment of this event, I am proud to say that I completed this project by around 9pm.(That means I had TIME TO SPARE!)
Wow. I didn’t think I could do it. It just goes to show what focus and sheer determination can accomplish.
You may think I am making a big deal out of this. After all – they aren’t the most difficult patterns out there. If anything, it goes to show just how lovely a project we can do in a short amount of time if we have nice design work and instructions. (Thanks, Kim!)
But for ME to do ANYTHING quickly is in itself something worth noting. I seem to dwell in my 'fussy mode’ most of the time – picking things apart and moving through them like a snail in maple syrup. I really and truly had to PUSH myself to move quickly, and it felt really good.
There is HOPE!
Of course, I had to add some of DecoArt’s Glamour Dusts to make the pieces sparkle:
I wish you could see just how fabulous they look in person. I am now deciding whether to make them as magnets, plant pokes, ornaments or something else. I need to see where they will fit best in here in my new home. For now they are just on my desk where I can admire them. ;) I hope I don’t weaken and give them away. I tend to do that, you know.
If I do, I will know in my heart that I can reproduce them fairly quickly. But for now, I will just enjoy them myself.
Today I am heading to the scroll saw. I have some wood pieces to cut and send to another designer for a wonderful project she is creating. I was honored she asked me to help with her surfaces. I know her project is going to be a big hit and I can’t wait to see it come to be.
It is another sunny and cool morning here along the Meteghan River. I have a long-sleeved top on today and forfeited my fluffy blanket to Richard, my cat. Soon autumn will be here to stay and we will be bracing for winter. But I will be ready for it. I already started decorating …
Happy Thursday to you all!
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