OK – so it hasn’t been that ‘wild and crazy’. But it is barely 10am here and I feel as if I have put in nearly a full day already. All my mail is organized, my desk is clean, and the mail is just about ready to go out the door. It is a good start to the week.
I also already have been to the gym this morning. While I am not one of those people who feels the need to report every time I go to the gym, I find that today it was somewhat significant. I have been playing 'hookie’ from the gym most of the summer. The work here at the house and the settling in and organizing just left me drained and I felt I had no extra time to go. It was hard enough to get the things that I needed to get done, let alone head out for an hour or so three times a week.
But I know that it is important. The older I get, the more important it is. I don’t want to lose the mobility, strength or health that I have. I need to take care of myself and make that a priority. So I decided that I fooled around enough and it was high time to get back on a good schedule. It will make me feel better overall and probably more productive in the long run. So off I went.
Problem was that since I have been missing in action so long, I saw a couple of people that I needed to 'catch up’ with. That delayed me a bit in returning home. But it was good to chat and see others, too. We are back on track.
The weekend was both productive and busy. I did a lot of things here around the house. They were little things that are hardly worth mentioning, but the kind of things that we do realize and appreciate. It put me in a good mood and really helped me get in a 'working’ mentality. It made me hit the ground running this morning and I feel positively energized. It is going to be a good week ahead.
Keith got lots done as well this weekend. Besides some chores around the house, he also finished and posted his new snowflake project pattern (SLDK687).
Isn’t it awesome? There are 40 different snowflakes included in the packet. We think our customers will love them!
My own new designs are in the beginning stages. I should have something to show you on them tomorrow. I have two new patterns for the scroll saw that I am thinking about and I need to decide which one to do first. It is a good problem to have.
The “Day 7” ornaments from my “12 Days of Christmas” project designed by Lynne Andrews are all on their way to their respective homes. Those packages went out on Friday. That means that I was able to begin “Day 8” over the weekend.
They are coming along really nicely and I absolutely LOVE the design. I am not the best at little tiny faces, but I thik the Maid came out nice. (The cow’s face, too! LOL!)
Since the last five “days” are all of people, I have a total of 29 more faces to paint. I hope I can do them nicely.
So that is my post for today. It finally RAINED this morning, with the sky opening up and offering the first healthy downpour in a long, long time. We really needed it. It seems to be brightening now and is a bit quieter outside. Perhaps that is it for the day.
I hope you all have a great day today and good week ahead. I know I will. It has already been off to a wonderful start.
Happy Monday to you all!
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