Thursday, September 8, 2016

My Journey As A Creative Designer - Woodworking and Beyond #1773: Site Update and Newsletter

This morning something occurred for the first time since moving to our new home. I awoke and it was still pitch dark outside. 

I admit that I had a somewhat fitful night. I am not sure if it was the excitement of the day or thoughts of the days ahead or the warm humidity of the evening that was the cause. Maybe it was a bit of everything. Perhaps it is that I am feeling a bit more comfortable in our place here and things are (finally!) getting back to normal. I don’t know. 

I am on my second cup of coffee already and I may head for a third before I am done writing here. Already it is quite a bit lighter out and I noticed that it rained last night. Good. We needed that. While we have enjoyed a summer that has been pretty good for the most part weather-wise, it certainly was dry and there are stories of many who have had to refill their wells and were running out of water. Fortunately, that doesn’t seem as if it will be a problem in our new place. But my heart is with those who do have issues, as well as the farmers in the area. It has been a tough go for them. 

As we enter the second week of September already, I find myself somewhat sad because I know that autumn will come and go so quickly. Now isn’t that a silly thing to be sad about? It hasn’t even really arrived yet and I am already mourning its passing. I need to get myself out of that mindset… 

Yesterday Keith and I took a big step in preparing for the upcoming winter. We bought a truck! 

It isn’t beautiful or glamorous, but we think it will do the job. With all the expenses of moving, it was in our budget and has a solid frame, 4 wheel drive, new tires and should be able to get us around in the snow. It is also an automatic transmission which means that I will be able to take it on my own if need be. That will be awesome. Soon we will be tucking away our summer cars for the winter and it will be wonderful to have a sturdy vehicle to drive. Not only that – it will be able to haul our wood and supplies easily without having to worry about ruining our nice cars. It is a good thing. 

Little by little we are settling into our new place. I still feel a bit anxious though. While we did accomplish a lot in the way of organizing and finding a place for everything here, there are still many (many!) projects that I want and need to do. I must admit that I am feeling a bit overwhelmed these days. As the days get shorter, I know that time is marching on and will not wait for me to get my act together. There is just so much I want to do. Not only with the house, but also with  my design work. The logical part of me knows that I need to take a breath, prioritize and RELAX and just do what I can. Worrying about things won’t make them happen any faster or things better. I need to remember to take time for myself and not worry about the things that don’t get done. It will all come together in the end.  (Now if I can really convince myself of that!) 

In between planning and organizing, we have actually been doing a bit of work. We have updated the website as we complete new projects and today I am writing and sending out a newsletter to our customers announcing our new items. So all is well there. I will give a bit of a preview here for those who don’t get the newsletter… 

Keith has two new projects since our last update. His first is a new set of large filigree ornaments (SLDK685

I think these are really beautiful and delicate and although they may be a bit of a challenge to cut, they will be something that will be very popular for the upcoming holiday season.  

He also created this lovely Sleigh and Reindeer Mantle Clock (SLDK686):

I really loved this project myself. I think the overlay houses and the Santa and reindeer figures look wonderful!  I hope everyone does as well. 

We also changed our “Special Bundle Offer” on the site. This time we decided to put together five of our most popular sets of Southwestern themed ornaments:

We love doing these ‘bundles’ and we find that our customers love them as well. This set gives a variety of 53 ornaments in one large set. We think they will all go together nicely and would make a nice presentation as a group. It is a nice way to introduce some of our older patterns to the many new scrollers that have recently joined our mailing list. 

As for my own new projects, this time I have mostly new surfaces to offer my painting followers.  I have three sizes of Potion Bottles – just in time for Halloween:

I created them to go along with my new project for ToleTown – (SLDP152 – Mermaid Tears).

The bottles come in three sizes – Small – 4" tall (SLDPK154), Medium – 6"tall (SLDPK153), and Large – 10" tall (SLDPK152).  I have several other shapes on the drawing board and will offer them as well when I get them painted. These are not only great for the project shown, but also can be used to make your own designs. 

I am also offering some the pretty shell embellishments to add onto the bottles (EMB12) which can be used for just about anything. 

The other new surfaces that I am now carrying go along with some of Peggy Harris’ designs.  I have her SLDPK146 Crown Painting Surface from her Cinderella Mice pattern:

And finally, I am carrying her pattern and kit for her adorable Halloween “Boo Bunnies”  (SLDPK150):

The Boo Bunny instructions are now available using DecoArt Americana Acrylics and I have a special “Combo Pack” for the pattern and kit available as well. 

They are a fun and easy project that takes very little time to paint. 

I am really happy to be working with so many respected artists and carrying their designs and wood pieces. It does keep me quite busy though and it gives me some time at the scroll saw. I find that I truly enjoy my cutting days and filling those orders. 

As I mentioned earlier, I need to prepare a newsletter to be mailed out today. After that, I may take some time to do some things around the house here. I still have some organization to do in my studio and I need to take some time with that. Then on to my new designs. 

There is so much that I want to accomplish these days! I have to learn not to allow my thoughts to overwhelm me and to take things one at a time. Otherwise, it can be a bit unsettling. 

I wish everyone a very happy and productive Thursday. I hope you enjoy your day and accomplish what you set out to do. The weekend is right around the corner. 

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