Monday, February 8, 2016

My Journey As A Scroll Saw Pattern Designer #1693: Some Bunny's Been Busy Designing!

My goodness! What a fun and productive weekend I had. I think I must be a little crazy because it seems the more directions I am going in at once, the more things I want to do. It may sound ‘corny’ but I feel so, so fortunate to be able to work doing something I love every single day. You must all think I am kidding when I say I can’t wait to wake up and get started each day, but that is truly the case.

On Saturday night, I probably only slept for a couple of hours because my head was so busy thinking of new ideas, I couldn’t shut it down. After fighting it for a couple of hours and tossing and turning, I decided to give in to it and just got out of bed and started drawing. I figured that I could take a nap the next day (but that didn’t happen!) and I actually accomplished a great deal. With that drawing under my belt, I spent the rest of the day tidying up the house, making soup and even packaging up all my orders that need to go out today. I usually do that in the morning, but I figured I was on a roll – so why not?

I finished all of these things with much of the day left, and I was finally able to sit down and nearly complete my “Day 2” of Lynne Andrews’ 12 Days of Christmas ornaments that I am working on this year. They are nearly done and will be finished up today and sent out tomorrow – right on schedule! :)  

I hit a 'stopping point’ at about 9pm. I had added the layer of JoSonja’s Opal Dust on them and it really needs to dry overnight before sealing, so it was a good time for me to leave them alone and take a break. But they look good up to this point. I was thrilled to get all the lettering under my belt:

While many like to do the lettering using marker, I chose to do it with a small paint brush and paint. I know it may not look as perfect as the marker ones and will take a bit longer to do, but I feel that not only will it help build my painting skills, but it also looks really nice and 'hand painted’. And that is part of the charm of these ornaments, I believe. 

Here is a picture of the backs:

Of course, these photos show the ornaments without the opal dust applied. I will have finished photos of that tomorrow. I also need to add some of the tiny crystal rhinestones to give them that finished look. But I am almost there!

As I sat down last night and finished things up, I really felt like I accomplished a lot. Things are going pretty well and there is lots that I have to look forward to creating in the near future. 

I couldn’t wind down though, so I started working on another large embroidery project from Di van Niekirk.  Since I finished my “A Perfect World” sampler (Panel 14 of 17 pictured here) I have been itching to do another. Di is 'retiring’ and closing her store (good for her, but I will MISS her!) so I purchased another sampler panel that is similar to this.  

If you would like to see all of the panel photographs, you are invited to check out my Picasa photo album here: A Perfect World Embroidery Photos by Sheila Landry.

I am also in the process of designing some simple kits to offer of my own embroidery designs. I have some materials on order for the first of these kits and will share them as they progress. I have had lots of you ask about them and I am happy to make them, it is just finding the hours in the day to do so that bogs me down. But following along with Di’s kits are very relaxing for me, (I don’t have to THINK!) and I find it is a great way to 'unwind’ at the end of the day. I have felt lost since I finished my big sampler up last year. It took me a year to complete. I still have a third panel as well from Di, but I feel that by the time I am done with these, I should be proficient enough to keep working on my own designs. It is going to be so much fun! 

So that is how my busy weekend went. I even had time to make a lovely pot of beef vegetable soup with barley. I froze some but will have several dinners of it throughout this week when I am again busy and don’t have time to cook properly. I certainly love soup and they are predicting more snow storms for the next few days so I am set. 

Whether I have power or not, I will be happy! 

Today I hope to get 'cutting’ on my new design. I also have some other quick painting designs that I am creating for Easter. Here is a little 'teaser’ of my work for today:

(As I look at this large, I think I need to give him a smaller nose!)

With that said, I had better get “hopping” and get moving on all of this stuff. The next few days will be truly exciting to see them coming to life. I hope you come back to visit here and see them! 

Have a wonderful and creative week ahead! Happy Monday! :D

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